Tag Archives: Bond of 1844

The Story of Awule Kaku Aka I: King of Nzema 1840s (Extended Narrative) Part 2

Awule Kaku Aka’s kingship peaked in the 1840s when he decided to unite Nzema people. To do this he needed to free some Nzema tribes from the oppression of the Anyi. So he set out to fight him and succeeded in beheading him! He put out more strategies to annex some Anyin land in the […]

The Story of Awule Kaku Aka I : King of Nzema 1840s (Extended Narrative)

Nana Kaku Aka l ruled the Nzema Kingdom in the 1840s and climaxed at the time of the signing of the Bond of 1844 between the British and Coastal Chiefs. He was captured by the British and was sent to prison after he refused to sign the Bond of 1844. After his capture the Nzema […]