Research on African Traditional Medicine

Healing Mystries of Cleidomancy Revealed in Ghana

Cleidomancy originated from Greece and was adopted by the Romans and later England. It involves using a key attached to a Bible to predict the future! This System of divination using a suspended door key hooked on a Bible was performed when the sun or moon was in Virgo. The name of the individual being […]

The Controversy Over Dr. Sebi Revealed (Video)

Alfredo Darrington Bowman (Dr. Sebi) was a Honduran self-proclaimed herbalist healer, who also practiced in the United States for a period in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Bowman claimed to cure all disease with herbs and a plant-based alkaline diet based on various pseudoscientific claims, and denied that HIV caused AIDS. He set […]

Some Common Edible Medicinal Plants Found in Ghana

Senna Siamea Also known, as Siamese Cassia where its local name is, Abootre. They grow to be up to 60 ft tall and provide wonderful shade because of the tree’s dense foliage. It is part of the bean family Fabaceae, as it produces tender pods and edible seeds. Its leaves are also edible and are […]

Pregnancy and Herbal Medicine Treatment in Ghana

Herbal medicine used during pregnancy is very prevalent in the traditional settings of Ghana, despite the modern western antenatal care which has developed in most parts of the country. To our knowledge, previous studies investigating herbal medicine use have primarily reported general attitudes and perceptions of use, overlooking the standpoint of pregnant women and their […]

Potent Plants in Africa: CANCER BUSH Scientifically Called Sutherlandia Frutescens

This plant is commonly found in South Africa. It is a Perennial shrub which grows up to 2mwith Bright red flowers. The parts which are used for medicinal purposes is the dried twigs and leaves. Medicinal Uses: An Adaptogenic bitter tonic – normalises body functions. Increases body’s ability to adapt to environment, resistance to disease […]

History of Herbal Medicine in Ghana (In-depth)

According to Akan Oral tradition ancient traditional medicine in Ghana especially among Akan tribes started with Oracles and deities. Whenever there was a calamity, sickness or epidemic in a community, the elders of that place usually consulted deities for solution. Herbs and concoctions were usually made based on what the Oracle said. With time people […]