Comments on: The Controversy Over Dr. Sebi Revealed (Video) Your #1 Educational center Thu, 28 Jul 2022 15:16:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Henry Kwadwo Amoako Thu, 28 Jul 2022 15:16:54 +0000 In reply to Irucka Embry.

Great… Make them available by sending to my WhatsApp number: 0204700052

By: Irucka Embry Fri, 15 Jul 2022 16:14:37 +0000 Greetings Henry Kwadwo Amoako, I want to share with you (and your readers) some useful links.

I have a document that I created with various images, questions, quotes, and resources (print and online) that question the “germ theory of disease causation”. The document is in both HTML and PDF formats, see below:
Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Germs Can Not & Do Not Cause Dis–ease: The “germ theory of disease causation” is a Fraud [HTML]
Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Germs Can Not & Do Not Cause Dis–ease: The “germ theory of disease causation” is a Fraud [PDF]

Regarding “HIV” (human immunodeficiency “virus”), no “virus” has been proven to exist, including “HIV”.

I have collected various links (below) that show that “viruses” don’t exist & that “HIV” does not equal “AIDS”:
Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our world: “AIDS”/“HIV”/Cancer
Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink the current crisis (in perception): No Proof of the Existence of the “Coronavirus” (or any other “virus” for that matter}

Thank you.

Irucka Embry
